
URL or the Uniform Resource Locator is one of the most useful factors for the online marketers or people operating their work through the world wide web. An URL can be long or short. But, long URLs can sound a bit confusing, unrecognizable for users to keep in mind. So, it's better to design short URLs for managing the link, track data, etc. There's a solution for every problem. Similarly, there are free URL shorteners available online to design your web address into a simpler one.


URL shortening is a technique to shorten your website address and direct you to the web page. In this process, the lengthy URLs get converted into shorter ones using strings of letters/numbers and commands. Numerous URL shorteners are present over the world wide web to help the users ease their burden. Like:


One can design shorter URLs using this simple and easy to process shortening tool and share links over every social media platform from different channels. It follows a technique of shortening the URL with a series of letters or numbers. You can reliably share data and information at a faster speed. Overall, Bitly is the world's largest URL shortener.

Bitly Features:

  • Optimizes and enhances marketing efforts

  • Collects performance insights

  • Click context

  • Tracks the campaign's performance

  • Shortens the shared links

  • Gethers user's intelligence

  • Tracks and examine the individual links

Bitly Pricing: The tools offers 3 kinds of plan, namely:

  • Free Plan

  • Basic Plan: $29/month 

  • Premium Plan: $199/month

2. KUTT: 

With this modern and effective URL shortener, one can generate recognizable and shorter links. The interface is quite simple, and Kutt is an open-source and free shortener. You can shorten the URL using GitHub as well.

Kutt Features:

  • You can set custom domains 

  • Separate private statistics

  • Free and open-source URL shortener

  • Manages the links efficiently

  • The user can set different passwords for shortened URLs

  • API

  • You can set custom URLs

3. POLR:

An open-source and best link shortener published in PHP and Lumen, and the central database is MySql. Overall, a user can access the main website and GitHub for generating the URLs using Polr. 

Polr Features: 

  • The interface is simple and modern

  • Easy-to-use URL shortener tool

  • Minimalist feeling

  • It is intrepid

  • Robust API

  • Full brand control

  • Offers customized URLs, permissions, and themes


Through this tool, a user can decide whether he/she wants to keep the URLs private or public. You can customize the URLs and control the data. In short, it's a perfect choice for branding your website address. 

YOURLS Features:

  • Cool API

  • Open-source and free 

  • You can run it on your server

  • Robust tracking tools available

  • Neat Ajaxed interface

  • Provides sequential and custom keywords

  • Quite interactive UI

5. ZWS: 

ZWS or the Zero Width Shortener is one of the most simple and free URL shorteners available online that shortens the URL's width at zero spacing. 

ZWS Features: 

  • Easy to use and understand interface

  • Attractive dashboard

  • Delivers the results very fast

  • Strong API

  • Quite manageable

  • Technical knowledge is not necessary


The word 'Shlink' comprises two words, short and link, indicating its potentiality of shortening the web address to make it look custom and user-friendly. 

Shlink Features: 

  • You can access shortened URLs from anywhere

  • Simple authentication

  • Easy to integrate

  • It serves more than one domain

  • Easy tracking of the eMails

  • The user gets detailed statistics of URL visits, browser, and location

  • A manageable and powerful tool


A pygmy is a user-friendly tool where one can extend and deploy the URLs for a better experience. The interface is feature-rich and easy to manage. 

Pygmy Features:

  • External authentication with LDAP

  • Get detailed analytics of the links

  • Secret key protected URL

  • Auto expire URL

  • The dashboard is easy-to-use

  • Get custom URLs


You can launch a live demo to understand the URL shortening process over this platform. It is one of the safest and advanced URL shorteners available online. The tool is Php based and quite famous for its laravel framework.

UrlHum Features: 

  • You can review the codebase at GitHub

  • Get detailed reports

  • Easy-to-use

  • Safest URL shortener

  • Free and open-source


A modern URL shortener that helps the users to generate unique domains. The user also gets the click rate stats and tracking them. You can manage your links like a pro and build brand engagement using Cuttly.

Cuttly Features: 

  • Creates, secures, and removes the links

  • Track the details with detailed reports

  • Powerful API

  • Offers free and paid versions

Cuttly Pricing: The tool offers 4 kinds of plans, namely:

  • Free Plan

  • Single Plan: $25/month

  • Team Plan: $99/month

  • Team Enterprise Plan: $149/month


These are some of the best free URL shorteners that help users to generate shorter and simpler links. We hope that our readers understood URL shortening quite thoroughly.